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Funky Question Du Jour

Why is it that the human male, who has relatively smooth skin on most of his body, has pachyderm skin on his balls? I really want to know. For those of the species who are still (or once again) wearing diapers the endless cracks become a poop hazard. If I don't keep a close eye on my two year old he's going to become known as 'Old Crusty Balls'.

In case you were wondering, the picture above is a small piece of this one below. I'm not that twisted.


Anonymous said…
Ya know...I have to admit...I've wondered that myself. What IS with the skin on their "dangles"?
Anonymous said…
it reminds me of chicken skin. eeeewww!
Alice said…
I will consult my biology teacher friends. Or the magic 8 ball. I'll get back to you.
Well between "gone nuts..." and "magic 8 ball", I'm tapped for puns. I got nuthin'.
Shieldmaiden96 said…
Any theory I could posit will tell you much more than you EVER wanted to know about pelvic fractures and where blood goes sometimes when someone suffers trauma in that region. I even have pictures. Suffice it to say the bag has to be tough and stretchy enough to accommodate more than your marbles if something bad happens to you.
Anonymous said…
There is a lot of contraction/relaxation to account for shifts in temperature while the body tries to keep the sperm cool enough to survive - but why that means crinkley wrinkles is a mystery to me.

Another question in that same vicinity is why something like Ben Gay applied to most skin is soothing for the muscles under the skin but accidentally get some on the sack and it is a burning agony.
Bex said…
Gone nuts - I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering. I posted my entry and then thought, "Oh, no. I'll bet this is one of those stupid, creepy things that only I think of that everyone else will be freaked out by."

Leigh - Yeah, but it's hairy chicken skin!

Alice - It is decidedly so.

Nanny - Me too.

Shieldmaiden - REALLY?? It's designed so blood can flow there after an injury? Is there a female counterpart for this reservoir?

Daniel - Ben Gay on your sac by "accident". Hmmm. I don't know. I just don't know. I'd like to believe you. I really would. But...I just don't know....
Shieldmaiden96 said…
I dunno. All I know is that it does go there when you fracture the ol' pelvis. (P. 654 'Emergency Care', 10th Ed., Limmer & O'Keefe)

I used to eat dinner and study for my EMT class in a restaurant sometimes. This was one of the pictures I had to put a Post-It note over.

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