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When Starlets Speak

There are some people who are just so stupid that they should really try not to speak in public. They might mean well but you really never know what might pop out of their tiny little mouths. As my example I give you...Sharon Stone.

Before I get started, I have a few comments on the above picture. First of all, where are you going, Rambo?? Secondly, Jesus. Nice rack. What is she, 60?? Lastly, where is her obligatory-I'm-a-starlet red Kabullah string? She's probably wearing it for underwear, that saucy little minx.

On with the post....

You might remember Sharon from the Camel Toe Hall of Fame here. But today I'm talking about how she suggested that the earthquake in China was karma biting the ass of the Chinese people due to the country's treatment of tibet. REALLY????! With 60,000 dead and about that many missing and presumed dead that's a lot of fucking karma. I read that there are approximately 14 million people who are now homeless due to the quakes. I say approximately because when your number has that many commas in it it's impossible to be exact.

Now, I am not dissing the Tibetans (and I'm not just saying that because I don't want a quake to hit my house and render us dead and/or homeless). Free Tibet. But only if Sharon Stone would kindly shut the hell up before she says something REALLY dumb. Like Charlie Sheen seems like good marriage material. Or that Ozzy Osbourne probably looks better naked (shudder).

By clicking on this link you agree that Sharon Stone is a douche. Plus, I get a vote. Which I love.


United Studies said…
Why do celebrities think that their fame entitles them to talk about things other than the current movie or project they are involved in? Why do they think they are suddenly politicians or spokespeople for the American people?

I totally cannot stand when celebrities get out there and start blabbing away at stuff....

And it irks me when people get out there and start trying to "explain" natural disasters by saying "well it is your fault..."
Duck tape her mouth shut. It would save us all a lot of trouble.

Celebrities are such know it alls. "Hey, I can act so I know all about life and love and where we are all going after death."

Who died and made them experts in everything??? They can stand in front of a camera so that makes them more important than anyone else.

Man, don't get me started...which you have ...but I'm going to try to calm down now....for your sake.
Alice said…
I'm not awake enough for Sharon Stone and her insight. Thanks Bex - it's back to the coffeepot.
Memarie Lane said…
I read about that too. And I am a huge Tibet supporter, I spent a week with a group of exiled monks and had a bumper sticker and everything.

But how does she know no Tibetans were killed in that quake? And Tibetans are Buddhists, they don't even like to squash bugs. They don't want vengeance, they want their country back. Peacefully.
Anonymous said…
what jacki said. i've discovered i like most famous people better when they keep their freaking mouths shut.

oh, and i hate the dixie chicks.
Bex said…
Jacki - I totally agree. Who's that Baldwin guy who kept blabbing about what an ass Bush was and how if he won the election he was going to move to France?? Maybe Bush is an ass and maybe he isn't. But that fucking Baldwin guy is still polluting the airwaves with his crapola. And I take issue with THAT. Move to France, jackass. You promised!!!

Jonny's Mommy - Duck tape. Or is it duct tape? I always get it confused. Anyway I think that taping her mouth shut is an INSPIRED idea. Good work.

Alice - go have your coffee. And thanks for your earlier comments. I really appreciate it.

Memarie - I think that her comments had nothing to do with Tibet and everything to do with her being a total moron. But yes, give them their country back. Is there anyone (other than some Chinese officials) who feels otherwise? It's like Apartheid back in the 80's. Obvious to all, you know?

Leigh - ME TOO. Please shut up and entertain us. To quote one of my favorite bands from the 80's, "Girl, don't go away mad. Just go away" courtesy of Motley Crue. GENIUS lyricists, weren't they?? That really does just sum it up nicely.
Anonymous said…
Stupidity reigns supreme. Since Bush has been in the white house, and just about everything that comes out of his mouth is more stupid than the last, the rest of America has followed suit.

We have heard, usually from Christians, that 9/11, Katrina, pick a disaster is god's punishment for something or other, so Ms. Stone's comments are par for the course.
Bex said…
Honjii - OK. I suppose that I should be insulted by your comment as I am an American. I have traveled internationally and have personally witnessed "Ugly Americans" and can understand why the rest of the world sees us like that. It sucks. In addition I think that our government could have handled many things better after having been attacked on 9/11. I don't really want to debate politics but I respect your opinion.

I've heard the same comments you mentioned about 9/11, Katrina and the tsunami of a few years ago. It's ridiculous and hateful. I will tell you that I find religious extremism repugnant, regardless of its' flavor. Christian, Muslim, whatever. Keep it in your pants!

Have you ever noticed that the men who brag the most about their sexual prowess are the ones who really suck (not in a good way) in bed? I have the same distrust of super religious people who preach loudly. The people who get really righteous about their religion, god, prophet or whatever give me the creeps. Maybe they are bad people AND suck in bed. Talk about a losing combination. Anyway, thanks for your comment.
Sue Wilkey said…
You're an ACTRESS. Shut your pie-hole.
Shieldmaiden96 said…
I dunno. Methinks the rack is wasted on someone with such a horrifying neck.

Also, I don't think being the World's Most Famous Beaver Shot gives her a PhD in karma distribution. Or China. Or beavers.
Anonymous said…
Hey, I tried to do a "Tibetans Of Beijing" parody of Dire Strait's classic "Sultans of Swing," but couldn't get it to work. It's yours if you want to give it a try.

And with respect to the "Christians" who have said 9/11, Katrina, etc. is "punishment" for something -- well, those people aren't true Christians.
Alice said…
Bex - if you want a good laugh, check out this link from Pharyngula to the Washington Post.
Shieldmaiden96 said…
Oh, and Universal Studios is on fire. I think that's karma payback for Michael Bay movies.

Just a theory.
robkroese said…
I totally clicked for you.

Nice to see that the right-wing fundies don't have a monopoly on the "God is punishing [people] for [activity] by sending a [disaster]" line of thinking.
Bex said…
Alice - checked it out, laughed out loud. I mean, REALLY???! Pull your head out of your butts, people.

Shield Maiden - THE ROOF! THE ROOF! THE ROOF IS ON FIRE! (we don't need no water let that mother ..... burn!)

Diesel, Diesel, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Thanks, Big Daddy.

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