I have a challenge for you. It's a little game I like to call WTF is that?!
So take a look and then let me know WTF you think it is and WTF you think it is saying/thinking. Because I really want to know. I also want to know if it bites or if it just stares at you with its hypnotic yellow stare until your brains squeeze out of your ears.

The winner of this contest (yes, it's officially become a contest since I wrote the last paragraph) will get (more of) my undying adulation. Not to mention NOTORIETY, which is pretty super awesome. And did I mention the adulation??
Humor-blogs! Don't go to the light! We need you..........you....complete...us....
PS Mom - if you are reading this WTF=what the fuck. Just thought you should know that to appreciate the essence of this particular blog post. It is, after all, important stuff we're working on here.
PPS Here is a little something that may, or may not, be related to the creature above:
I've said it once and I'll say it again - WTF is that?!
So take a look and then let me know WTF you think it is and WTF you think it is saying/thinking. Because I really want to know. I also want to know if it bites or if it just stares at you with its hypnotic yellow stare until your brains squeeze out of your ears.

The winner of this contest (yes, it's officially become a contest since I wrote the last paragraph) will get (more of) my undying adulation. Not to mention NOTORIETY, which is pretty super awesome. And did I mention the adulation??
Humor-blogs! Don't go to the light! We need you..........you....complete...us....
PS Mom - if you are reading this WTF=what the fuck. Just thought you should know that to appreciate the essence of this particular blog post. It is, after all, important stuff we're working on here.
PPS Here is a little something that may, or may not, be related to the creature above:
I've said it once and I'll say it again - WTF is that?!
What it's saying: "If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill...as God is my witness, I'll never blink again."
"yo quiero taco bell. Como se voce"
Hey, what can I say? I'm a little rusty. Thanks for the hours of laughs, Bex.
WTF it is saying: How the hell am I supposed to hang from a tree and fling dung on passersby when my fecking clawed toes aren't fully developed yet?
it's ugly!!
do i win?
The post by "The S" was supposed to be "The Stinker."
I'm going to break away from blogging protocol and shamelessly enter my own contest. I say that it is a stress-relieving squeeze toy and when you squeeze it, its' eyes REALLY pop out.
Baby ringtailed lemur. With a sidesalad and some tobasco, please.
Whatever it is, I don't want one around me-------EVER
It is saying, in disbelief, "What, I am a kinky jew? what is that, someone who likes missionary postion, but with the lights on?"