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Yoo hoo, Harvard! I see you....

Oh christ. I was just looking at my sitemeter counter thingy and noticed that someone from spent 2 minutes and 55 seconds looking at my blog. Suddenly I feel very self-conscious. Kind of like I went to school without my pants on (again). Hello, Smarty Pants. How's it hangin'??

The day that I graduated from High School I was completely convinced that they would call every other name but mine. And after the ceremony I'd go up to the Head of School and be all, "DUDE! What's up?! You forgot to give me my diploma!" And then he'd be all, "No, actually, we didn't forget. You didn't graduate. The thing is, you are what is known in the Business as [air quotes] Not Too Bright. I have a brochure here for you to read called 'Realigning Your Expectations: The Dummy's Guide to Being a Dummy'. It's a good read and it has lots of pictures!"

And when I was in my early 20's my husband and I joined an intramural volleyball team that happened to be made up of medical students from Wake Forest (Bowman Gray). During practice they would be talking about the lipid they spliced that morning and hubs and I would be like, "Hey, look! That cloud looks like a bunny rabbit!" And then we'd pick our noses and/or butts and wait for the doctors to serve the ball. Good times.

But I did graduate from HS and went to college (actually a few colleges but I don't really want to talk about that). I'm even studying to take the GMAT so that I can get my MBA. My exam is slated for July 18, so wish me luck! The math is kicking my ass. But I get up every morning at 6 so I can study. And for a girl like me, that's a pretty big deal.

Alright, Harvard. You'd better get back to studying. Or grading. Or sweeping the floors. Or whatever it is you do there. I happen to be very busy. I have dishes to clean. I need a shower. Plus, I need to finally decide if we'll be having peas or carrots with dinner tomorrow. Maybe I'll shake things up a bit and serve peas and carrots! I just don't know....

Humor-blogs is full of smarties. (I got in on a loophole - Booyah!)


Anonymous said…
wtf bex?! i work at a global software company where some genius anti-social assholes can't even have a friendly conversation over morning coffee. revel in your social brillance. it's all that really counts
Alice said…
I admire your dedication to this MBA pursuit, because I can't see waking up to study at 6 in the morning for anything. Unless it's the Hershey Exam or 6-Pack Ab Inspection.
Anonymous said…
I vote for peas AND carrots!
Anonymous said…
LOL, good times indeed.

Best of luck on the GMAT!
I'm sleepy just thinking about you getting up at 6am - ugh! Best of luck with your GMAT!
United Studies said…
Good luck! I am considering returning to school for my MS in engineering.
J at Harvard said…
LOL - I know, I should be working but reading blogs is so much more fun. Good luck with the GMAT!
Sue Wilkey said…
OMG- I get a " person every now and again too!!!!! Always makes me go back and double check my grammar. Maybe they're doing some sort of Psychological study of the social ramifications of mom blogs or something.
Bex said…
Leigh - Yep, I've got the social thing DOWN. But if ever want to get a job that pays in something other than peanut butter and jelly kisses then I'll need to add something to my resume other than Expert Cocktail Party Mingler.

Alice - I had trouble getting up this week. So much so that I worried I had mono. Turns out that I'm just really lazy. (An extra PB&J kiss to anyone who can tell me where I stole that line!)

Blewknight - I like how you think. Peas and carrots it is. I'll tell 'em Blew sent me.

Jeffrey - PING! I should have known...

Nanny Goats in Panties - I mutter a little "tee hee" every time I read the name of your blog! Getting up at 6 isn't my favorite thing to do. But it just so happens that I rarely get asked to wipe anyones butt or nose between the hours of 6 and 8 in the morning. So it's pretty much my only shot if I want to actually concentrate on anything other than peas and carrots.

J at Harvard - Thanks!

Sue - Me too. Last week my site was visited by someone from the Disney company and I was thinking that a spelling or grammar error might have kept me from getting Discovered. But then I realized that they probably wouldn't want to notice me anyway due to my F-bomb usage. They already have Miley Cyrus for that kind of stuff. The niche has been filled. Bummer.

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