And The Designated Asshole Du Jour IS...I'll give you a hint - she just had 8 babies all at once....
I realize that this is well-covered territory. But the welfare cow from the state of California is SERIOUSLY pissing me off. What the fuck could she be thinking?! I'm not sure how the news story officially developed. But here is how I processed it: A lady in California had octuplets?! Jesus...what is that, eight?! EIGHT babies?! Fuck me...I hope that shit's not contagious! The octuplets mom isn't married? Huh. Must be some trust fund baby with more money then sense. SHE LIVES WITH HER MOTHER?! IN A SMALL HOUSE???!!! AND they have no money AND her mom said she did not and would not support her in this pursuit. Holy shit.... What the...the doctor submitted the hospital bill to the state for payment?! She receives food stamps (and other state benefits) for the SIX kids she already has. But she doesn't believe that she's on welfare. Right . She set up a website to receive donations. Unbelievable. I'll get right on that. Right after I send in a generous contributio...